Shared List June 2020

Here is data on the shared list from June 4, 2020

Total shared list files: 3261

Girls: 914 (28%)

Boys: 2346 (72%)

Here is the breakdown by age:

Screen Shot 2020-06-18 at 5.05.29 PM


LID Files

If you remember, the CCCWA introduced a new way of matching LID files in December 2019. The general assumption was that there would be a monthly LID list like there is typically a monthly release date when new files are uploaded to the shared list. However, this was disrupted by the COVID19 pandemic.

There have only been two LID lists in 2020:

  • February’s LID list had 18 files.
  • May’s LID list had 10 files.


The files released in 2020 were all created before the pandemic began. COVID19 restrictions in China have prevented orphanages from being able to create new files. Even when pandemic restrictions are lifted, there will not immediately be a large amount of new files available. It can take 6 months to a year for a new file to be created. Those in process or considering adopting from China should expect the amount of new files to continue to decrease while matching times increase.

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